
I'm Johann

a programmer.

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johann profile picture


I am a 3rd Year Mechatronic Engineering and Computer Science Student studying at Curtin University.

My Skills.


Automation & Web Development

I have started to learn how to code first in University and have developed a passion for coding now learning coding through online courses. I have coding expereince surrounding automation and front end web development.


Communication & Teamwork

Having been working in fast paced & high intensity teams I have developed excellent communication skills having to communicate effectively so my peers and co-workers know what the task is and how to do it effectively whilst my teamwork skills which have been developed through work and University teams have contributed to my ability to work effectively utilizing communication skills and noticing and applying my teammates strengths assigning each individual tasks which better suit their personality and skills and abilities.

Get In Touch

Looking to connect?

Send me a message using one of the links below : )

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